Sound Seed 2 (2023)

The Seedling's Tale 

The Seedling’s Tale combines the philosophical underpinnings of Sound Seed with the format of a traditional, multi chambered storytelling box, the Rajasthani kavad. Around an abstracted version of the kavad, a rhytmic performance unfolds, of fable, electronic and acoustic sound, as the box is gradually opened. Premised on recent scientific recognition of the communication between funghi and trees and the symbiotic relationships it enables, The Seedling’s Tale considers the nature and origin of this silent, underlying language.

Violin, synthesiser - Paul Hyland

Cabinet and text - R.Thapalyal

First performed at Platfrom, Glasgow for Made in Easterhouse: A Carnival of Overlapping Histories, curated by Ashanti Harris

With gratitude to Dwarka Prasad whose kavad paintings and structures inspired the cabinet in Sound Seed 2


Sound Seed 1